Friday, April 15, 2011

When Gino came to town...

Gino Odjick came to Gingolx the first weekend of spring break as part of traveling Aboriginal youth conference. The main message of the 2 day event was for Aboriginal youth to see how they could be successful and create a stronger self. Topics included, family respect, safe sex, goal setting, and education. Gino was born in an Algonquin Native Reserve named Chum Sa Bay in Quebec. He mentioned that he never imagined he could become a professional athlete until an aboriginal hockey player came to his reserve when he was young and instilled an NHL dream in young Gino. Highlights of the day was Q&A with Gino about his hockey career. Yes, he is still in contact with fellow Canucks, Pavel Pure and Cliff Ronning. He says he talks to Pavel every week on the phone and Cliff every month. Pavel just finished is Bar exam in Moscow and is living on an exclusive island in Flordia and Cliff is creating custom hockey sticks. We talked lots about the NHL's current problem with concussions and hits to the head. Gino's reasoning is that hockey teams no longer have their enforcer, who's job it is to protect the star players. Players now can do a dirty hit and don't have to worry about someone crushing them next shift. Although I can agree with Gino on this, the game has changed with no 2 line passes and have become a lot faster making it harder for enforcers to keep up. For the enforcing part, it makes sense why Gino and Pavel are still friends, it saved Pavel over and over again. Gino talked about how a concussion ended his career by a puck shapshotted during practice and how he now is co-owner of the Musquem golf course in Vancouver, where is lives. It was really interesting and I am glad I checked it out.

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