Friday, April 15, 2011

Haida Gwaii: Tow Hill and Agate Beach

For spring break my brother, Torben joined us for a trip to Haida Gwaii. We stayed on Graham Island at this awesome little placed called Nadu Creek loft. We explored the north end of the island and it was super beautiful. The weather was sunny and warm and it was picturesque with waves crashing onto the beach. Agate Beach is named after the rocks that can be found there. It has lots of campsites that must be super popular in summertime, but was super deserted this time of year. I found abalone shells on the beach and collected lots of rocks. Tow hill is on the east side of Agate Beach and separates the rock beach from the sands of North Beach. Tow Hill was once home to a Haida tribe, that used the hill for protection. Stories of Tow Hill, include one about a spider that would spin down from the hill and eat people that passed down below, until a brave warrior killed the spider and took out all the skeletons of his people out of the spiders belly. Tow Hill has awesome walking trails with will built steps, bridges, and viewing platforms.The geographer in me was so excited by all the sweet rock formations. We ended the day watching the sunset over Port Clements

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