Friday, April 15, 2011

Life in the Nass

Living in the Nass Valley is beautiful and I thought I would share of couple of pictures. My daily drive takes me along the Nass River and it's super beautiful everyday. I have been covering a long term absence in Gingolx at Nathan Barton Elementary teaching a 5,6,7 split class and one of the best parts of being in the village is getting seafood. I buy jars of sockeye salmon from parents and have been gifted with smoked salmon by Elders and community members. I also buy crab down there because I don't have my own traps. At $3 per crab, it's a pretty sweet deal. When the snow was still around, Dan and I tried out snow shoeing and checked out some areas around our village. Did, I mention that I see at least 5 eagles a day up here. They love oolichan

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