Friday, April 15, 2011

Haida Gwaii: Tlell

On our third day on the island, we checked out the sand dunes in Tlell. The sand dunes are located on the east side of Graham island and wind erosion plays a large role in the development of the dunes. Fortunately, the trees prevent further erosion inland. We hiked along the beach for about 5km finding lots of buoys and plastic bottles. My only complaint about the Charlottes is the amount of plastic debris found on beaches. It only goes to prove how much waste is dumped in the ocean. After 5km, we reached the Tlell River that cuts across the beach. Although it was only 1 foot deep, it was freezing and we couldn't cross to checkout the shipwreck further down the beach. We hiked back and took a trail on the other side of the river that was a 10 km loop trial that takes you out to the Pesuta shipwreck. Today, only the bow of the freighter remains from when she crashed here in 1928.

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