Sunday, March 6, 2011

Vic to Laxgalts'ap

We took our time traveling to Nisga'a and spent a night in Courtney at the beautiful Old House Inn and then headed up to Port Hardy where we caught the ferry to Prince Rupert. The drive up was beautiful and most of it was through forests that were still intact and others that were clear cut. We saw lots of eagles and elk along the way. The ferry ride was pretty boring, it was dark an hour into our journey and only 3 hours a light in the morning. We watched the Canucks game on the ferry and our cabin wasn't too bad. Top bunk is the way to go, thicker mattresses. We hit packed snow and ice on the Prince Rupert highway to Terrace. The sketchiest moment was going along a twisty part along a carved cliff face with oncoming traffic coming and train beside us shooting snow in our lane as it chugged down the tracks. After grocery shopping in Terrace, we took off to the Nass Valley. About an hour and 45 minutes later, we are arrived in Laxalts'ap at our new home. There are no signs up here and very few house numbers, but we knew we were beside the school and church, so we found it. Our home is a top floor of a fourplex, 2 bedrooms, and a spacious living room with fireplace. Now we have to warm it up!

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